On Helen Lundeberg

 Chambers, Marie. Infinite Distance: Architectural Compositions by Helen Lundeberg. West Hollywood, CA: Louis Stern Fine Arts, 2007.

Helen Lundeberg: American Painter. Video, 56 minutes, Atmosphere Productions, 1987.

Hickey, Dave, and Diane D. Moran. Helen Lundeberg and the Illusory Landscape: Five Decades of Painting. West Hollywood, CA: Louis Stern Fine Arts, 2004.

Muchnic, Suzanne, and Helen Lundeberg. Helen Lundeberg: poetry space silence. Louis Stern Fine Arts, 2014.

Olson, Joan Peterson. A Critical Analysis of Space in the Painting of Helen Lundeberg. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 1988.


General Works

Armstrong, Elizabeth, Michael Boyd, Anna Brouwer, and Mary Trent. Birth of the Cool: California Art, Design, and Culture at Midcentury. Newport Beach: Orange County Museum of Art, 2007, p. 5, 38,39, 82, 83, 85, 86 88, 90, 92, 293.

Baur, John I. H. Revolution and Tradition in Modern American Art. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951, p.106.

Catalog of the Permanent Collection of Painting and Sculpture. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Art, 1970, p.102-103.

Cummings, Paul. Dictionary of Contemporary American Artists. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977, p. 321.

Duncan, Michael. Post Surrealism: Genesis and Equilibrium. Pasadena Museum of California Art and the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum. Pasadena, California, and Logan, Utah: Utah State University, 2002.

Heller, Nancy G. Women Artists: An Illustrated History. New York: Abbeville Press, 1987, p. 159-160.

Hopkins, Henry. 50 West Coast Artists: A Critical Selection of Painters and Sculptors Working in California with Portraits by Mimi Jacobs. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1981, p. 108-109.

California Painters: New Work. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1989, p.94-96.

Jean, Marcel. The History of Surrealist Painting. New York: Grove Press, 1960, p. 273.

Kahan, Mitchell Douglas. Subjective Currents in American Painting of the 1930s. Ph.D. dissertation, City University of  New York, 1983.

Karlstrom, Paul, J. (ed.) On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley: University of California, 1996, p. 174-176, 183-191.

Marrow, Marva. Inside the L. A. Artist. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books, 1988, p. 65.

Monro, Isabel Stevenson, and Kate M. Monro. Index to Reproductions of American Paintings. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1948, p. 398.

Monro, Isabel Stevenson, and Kate M. Monro. Index to Reproductions of American Paintings. First Supplement. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1964, p. 267.

Moore, Sylvia. Yesterday and Tomorrow: California Women Artists. New York: Midmarch Arts Press, 1989.

Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall. Dictionary of Art and Artists in Southern California Before 1930. Los Angeles: Dustin Publications, 1975, p. 155.

Moure, Phyllis. Artists’ Clubs and Exhibitions in Los Angeles Before 1930. Los Angeles: Dustin Publications, 1975.

Munro, Eleanor. Originals: American Women Artists. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979, p. 25, 170-177, 494-495n.

Plagens, Peter. Sunshine Muse: Contemporary Art on the West Coast. New York: Praeger, 1974, p. 18-19, 117.

Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel. (ed.) American Painting Today. New York: Hastings House, 1956, p. 55.

Rickey, George. Constructivism: Origins and Evolution. New York: George Braziller, 1967, p. 132-133.

Rubinstein, Charlotte S. American Women Artists: From the Early Indian Times to the Present. Boston: G.K. Hall, New York: Avon Books, 1982, p. 252-254, 336.

Smith, Lyn Wall, and Nancy Dustin Wall Moure. Index to Reproductions of American Paintings. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977, p. 379.

Trenton, Patricia. (ed.) Independent Spirits: Women Painters of the American West, 1890-1945. Berkley: University of California Press, 1995, p. 74, 80, 92, 93, 96, 98, 102.

Trenton, Patricia. "Before the World Moved In: Early Modernist Still Life in California, 1920-1950." The Not-So-Still Life: A Century of California Painting and Sculpture. Landauer, Susan, Gerdts, William H. et al, eds. San Jose Museum of Art, exhibition catalogue. London: University of California Press, 2003, plate 63, pp. 69-71.